15 Nov Chiropractic Provides the Ultimate Holiday Stress Reliever… Enjoy the holiday season with less stress and better health.
What do the holidays do to our stress?
A recent study published by the Gallup poll shows that a overwhelming number of Americans (79%) feel stress sometimes or frequently throughout each day. The anticipation and expectation of stress impacts people just as much as the stress itself. Stress also plays a significant role in chronic disease. Stress serves as the single largest determining factor in heart disease and heart attacks. Stress manifests throughout the year through multiple avenues and individual health requires that people maintain a plan to remove, minimize, and cope with holiday stress.
Many proven options helps reduce or remove stress
Rhythmic breathing, consistent exercise, and good nutrition offer excellent choices to help counteract the impact of stress. One of the greatest stress-relieving tools a person can utilize to deal with the weight of stress comes from utilizing Chiropractic spinal adjustments. The spine maintains a unique and intimate relationship with the central nervous system. The central nervous system filters stress and determines whether or not stressors will cause harm. Some people possess the capability to withstand high amounts of stress without experiencing any significant health challenges or symptoms. Other people encounter lower amounts of stress but exhibit greater levels of symptoms, dysfunction, and disease. The filter which screens all stress lives in the central nervous system. The intimate connection between the spine and central nervous system results in stress-relief being one of the greatest benefits achieved through Chiropractic spinal adjustments.
According to the American Institute of Stress, 44% of Americans feel more stressed than they did just five years ago
Many professions focus on changing a person’s environment to suit the weakened body, but Chiropractors concentrate on strengthening the body to suit the environment. Nervous system capability weakens as the spine loses function in both alignment and movement. Operate below maximum potential causes the body to reduce efficiency when it comes to filtering out the effects of stress. Chiropractic focuses on helping a person’s body better adapt and maintain resiliency against stress. Research from 2014 proved a direct link between a spinal adjustment and the reduction of stress hormones. Chiropractic reduces unwanted stress build up in the spine and nervous system, thus balancing hormones and restoring optimal function to the entire body.
Four specific strategies to become more resilient to stressors over the holiday season:
• Regular Chiropractic Adjustments
• 7-8 Hours of Sleep
• More Vegetables (anti-oxidants)
• Increased Heart Rate 3-5x/week (exercise or brisk walk)
The holidays come hand in hand with the most potent stress of the year. Consistent Chiropractic care throughout this time of year equips the entire family with the capability to combat stress and enjoy festivities and time together. The benefits of Chiropractic care come in many forms ranging from improved sleep, immunity, digestion, mobility, and whole-body health. No holiday gift means more than time well spent in good health and good cheer. Chiropractic helps the whole family better adapt to the stress of the season.