17 Mar $3 Million P.E.T. Scan Shows Significant Brain Changes after Chiropractic Adjustment
What are the benefits of Chiropractic?
What are the benefits of chiropractic for brain health? The advantages extend far beyond neck and back pain relief. After a chiropractic adjustment, healing can improve in areas seemingly unrelated to the spine, thanks to its close connection with the central nervous system. Proper spinal alignment and movement provide essential nutrients to the brain through neurons surrounding spinal joints and tissues. Chiropractic adjustments help reduce nervous system stress, supporting better spinal alignment and enhancing brain health.
Scientific research links chiropractic care to improved sleep, better digestion, enhanced fertility, stronger immunity, easier breathing, improved focus, and much more. Millions of chiropractic patients experience diverse health benefits from regular adjustments. By focusing on reducing interference in the brain and central nervous system, chiropractors allow the body to function optimally, with natural healing benefits that support brain health and overall wellness.
Does the research support Chiropractic?
Skeptics often ask for evidence-based trials and research when discussing the benefits of chiropractic care. Over 120 years of healthy patients testify to healing which originated within the central nervous system. The last twenty years produced overwhelming amounts of clinical understanding that explain the mechanisms involved in the brain’s immense power to influence the body following an adjustment.
Research from 2017 provided insight into the profound effects a Chiropractic adjustment can have on the brain, nervous system function, and whole-body health. Using a $3 million P.E.T. (Positron Emission Tomography) scan, researchers measured brain and nervous system activity before and after an adjustment. Every aspect of measured brain function improved in the participating subjects. Changes in specific biomarkers were also found, indicating improvements in autonomic nervous system health. Autonomic health includes functions that occur in the body automatically without conscious direction. Functions include heart rate, breathing, hormone balance, blood pressure, fertility, sleep, immunity, and so on. Chiropractic influences the brain and central nervous system and directly affects autonomic controls.
The role of the nervous system….
Building Chiropractic evidence already exists in a contemporary world in which conventional medical research and care look for ways to improve nervous system function. Electroceuticals represent a new category of therapeutic agents that act by targeting the neural circuits of organs. The therapy involves mapping the neural circuitry and delivering neural impulses to these specific targets. The impulse occurs through an implantable device.
Advanced medical care will continue to involve nervous system health. The irony exists that modern medicine fervently pursues a means to improve health potential that already exists within the body. Chiropractors paved this avenue over 120 years ago. The body contains the tremendous potential to perform, heal, and operate if given freedom and access to optimal communication. The medical community sees a future involving electronic devices and invasive procedures. Chiropractors continue to use the latest science to help people experience health and healing through safe, effective nervous system care.