14 Aug Concussions and Chiropractic: Research Proves Chiropractic Plays a Pivotal Role in Concussion Recovery
Concussions classify as a type of traumatic brain injury. Concussions used to be a concern following falls, car accidents, and other forms of spontaneous head trauma. Now the fear of concussions permeates the entire activity landscape ranging from recreational activities to youth athletics. The risk of a concussion increases with younger children. A culture of education helps temper fear and paranoia which makes parents and adults apprehensive about activities. Proper information empowers people to understand not only how to prevent concussions but also how to treat and recover from an injury. Research has shown that concussions and chiropractic care mend well together. Regular adjustments can prevent long term issues.
The likelihood of enduring a concussion decreases as a person ages. High school aged individuals tend to maintain some of the most active schedules and face an increased susceptibility to experiencing an incident of head trauma. An estimated 2.5 million high school students reported having experienced a concussion in 2017 related to athletics or activities during the preceding year. Concussions impact body structures and tissues and impact all facets of proper function. Younger people also require longer recovery times than adults and require proper attention to cognitive, effective, and behavioral symptoms.
Statistics 15.1% of students reporting a concussion believed they may have had more than one during the previous year. 6% reported experiencing more than two. Diving further into the statistics reveals that the likelihood of a concussion increases for athletes playing multiple sports (16.7%, 22.9%, and 30.3%, respectively). Yet, students not participating in athletics experience very similar chances of head trauma from Band, Dance, Cheer, and other noncontact activities.
Additional concern exists for the under-reporting of concussions. Approximately 40% of students experiencing a concussion reported that their coach or sponsor did not recognize the symptoms of the injury. Participating in activities after experiencing a concussion increases the likelihood of a repeat injury or a more severe condition. High school athletic associations mandate concussion education for high school coaches and teachers to help ensure injured participants do not engage in activities until receiving clearance from a healthcare provider.
Chiropractic plays an important role in the health and recovery of every person afflicted with a concussion. The body possesses established tissue injury thresholds. Excessive acceleration or deceleration of the head and neck usually produces concurrent injury to the joints and soft tissues of the cervical spine. Evidence-based research proves that injury and dysfunction of the cervical spine results in numerous signs and symptoms synonymous with concussions, including headaches, dizziness, and cognitive and visual dysfunction.
Clear evidence indicates that scientifically based spinal assessments and rehabilitation positively enhance the healing process following an incident of brain trauma from a concussion. Addressing cervical spine dysfunction continues to be a critical element in concussion recovery as evidence and data advocate for proper recovery methods. Chiropractic offers a pain free method for returning the body to a state of maximized function and restored health. Using a Chiropractic approach to concussion treatment does more than just treat symptoms. Chiropractic care revitalizes performance and restores quality of life.