21 Jun Regular Chiropractic Care Keeps Your Body in a Healthy Balance
Wellness is often about finding the right balance.
We all have freedom to make choices about our health habits, and the decisions can sometimes be overwhelming. Looking at research results can help you make the most beneficial choices. One choice that pays off is maintaining a healthy spine. This care improves quality of life and your ability to withstand injuries or illnesses, as well as occasional lapses in good lifestyle habits.
Eastern Oklahoma Chiropractic provides spinal and wellness care that helps you achieve balance in your spine and in living your best life.
Chiropractic Care’s Role in a Healthy and Balanced Lifestyle
Chiropractic care works hand-in-hand with your healthiest habits, sharing the same goals as tried-and-true best practices, such as:
Getting regular exercise. Moving every day reduces stress, helps you fight off illness, reduces pain, and improves mobility.
Eating well. Veggies, fruits, lean proteins, and whole grains boost your immune system, keep weight down, and improve energy. A well-aligned spine and healthy nervous system add value by helping your body process all those nutritious foods you’re eating.
Keeping your body pain-free with chiropractic adjustments. Chronic pain takes a huge toll on quality of life, slowing down your ability to exercise, think clearly, and avoid depression. With pain relief, many patients report that their overall health improves.
A healthy spine can enhance your nervous system function, relieve joint swelling, increase flexibility and strength, improve focus, and bring many other health benefits.
Chiropractic Maintenance Produces Lasting Improvement, Research Shows
A study of patients with chronic lower back pain explored the effectiveness of spinal manipulation therapy, with and without follow-up maintenance care.
Researchers divided patients into three groups:
- The placebo group receiving 12 sham spinal treatments during a one-month period
- The second group getting 12 authentic spinal adjustments in one month
- The third group also receiving 12 real chiropractic adjustments during that month, plus maintenance treatments every other week for the next nine months
The results showed that patients in the second and third groups, who got real spinal therapy, achieved lower disability and pain levels than those in the placebo group.
Best outcome: At a 10-month follow-up, only the third group that had been receiving maintenance care showed lasting improvements in their pain and disability levels.
The results were clear: single chiropractic treatments are effective; however, people who received chiropractic maintenance therapies had the best long-term improvements.
A Healthy Spine Improves Quality of Life
Once your spine is aligned, regular care helps to keep it working properly. Daily activities cause tension that can gradually shift vertebrae out of alignment. Picking up children, sleeping in the wrong position, sitting at a desk (or being on your feet) most of the day—these are just a few of the things that can throw alignment off.
Chiropractic care is conservative, preventive health care, focusing on wellness for body and mind and the balance you need to live your life to its fullest.
Contact Eastern Oklahoma Chiropractic for Your Complimentary Visit
To schedule your appointment at our Broken Arrow office, give us a call today at 918-940-4630.