Research PROVES Chiropractic works BEST without the presence of any pain or symptoms

A chiropractor giving a back massage to a woman.

Research PROVES Chiropractic works BEST without the presence of any pain or symptoms

Many functions and processes occur in the body without any tangible feeling.

Cavities in teeth, plaque build-up in blood vessels, high cholesterol, and even cancer form in silence. Consistent and proactive approaches serve as the best method of prevention for a variety of concerns which remain silent until advanced threats rise to the surface.  Chiropractic is no different.

Why is maintenance important?

Dental health requires daily maintenance and regular cleanings at the dentist. Physical health requires proper diet and exercise and the occasional physical or checkup with a family physician. Cancer screenings also go hand in hand with age benchmarks. The common denominator in the pursuit of advanced health care tends to be the individual choice to be vigilant about proactive health. Too many health challenges occur with no signs or symptoms until the disease already takes root. Preventing the disease from ever forming remains the best form of health care available. Regular spinal check-ups and adjustments take center stage in the pursuit of optimal health care. Nervous system care plays a critical role in total body health and preventative care. The benefits of a Chiropractic adjustment go well beyond pain relief. Proactive spinal care provides extensive whole-body benefits regardless of the presence of pain.

Chiropractic adjustments maximize the function of the nervous system by improving mobility and alignment of the spine.

Chiropractors accomplish this by specializing in the detection and correction of vertebral subluxations. Subluxations are defined as spinal vertebrae not aligned or moving appropriately. Subluxations begin painlessly and subtly. Standard checkups utilize many different tests which help analyze the spine to painlessly locate and correct spinal subluxations. Pain does not serve as a reliable indicator of imbalance in the nervous system. Pain tends to manifest as the last indicator of disease. Chiropractors care for the spine and nervous system like a dentist proactively cares for teeth. Research shows that abnormal spinal health, and even spinal degeneration, begins to occur without the presence of pain.

Research from 2015 studied spinal MRI scans of a large population of people reporting no pain or symptoms.

Results determined that over twenty percent of those studied were experiencing early disc degeneration, herniations, or protrusions. Even more interesting, this occurred with no symptoms. However, the resilient human body found ways to adapt to these conditions in the midst of a downward health spiral. Minimal warning signs notify the body of the nearly irreversible advanced condition of pain and discomfort destined to occur unless corrective measures take place. This study offers one of many examples of how spinal health mirrors conditions like cancer and high blood pressure. Reactive care pales in comparison to proactive health care options.

Most Chiropractic patients begin receiving adjustments while no pain exists and fall into one of two categories.

One group engaged with Chiropractic care to resolve a painful condition. They chose to maintain their progress with an adjustment plan after the resolution of their initial complaint. The other group chooses Chiropractic care as a primary means of health care. They elect to give their body the most optimal form of proactive health care available as a means of preventing pain and symptoms of the disease from ever occurring. Maximizing the potential in central nervous system improves the health and mobility of the spine and helps the brain balance organ function and overall body health.

Pain resolution does not serve as the best pre-requisite for experiencing the benefits of chiropractic care. Chiropractic benefits the whole family. Infants, children, and adults receive the greatest Chiropractic benefit through proactive care which keeps the body functioning and operating at peak levels in all seasons and in advance of any disease. Better health begins with an assessment by a qualified Doctor of Chiropractic.