neck pain Tag

Experiencing neck and back pain can impact your quality of life, making everyday activities a challenge. There are simple daily habits you can adopt to prevent and alleviate this discomfort. By integrating these practices into your routine, you can maintain a healthier spine and enjoy a...

Most of us are aware that our spines weren’t designed to do all the sitting we do in modern life. For good health, our bodies need to move. One of the simplest and most effective types of exercise we at Eastern Oklahoma Chiropractic recommend is walking....

Two very common health issues people face are back pain and sleep problems.  In fact, these two ailments often go hand-in-hand.  Quite frequently, when we help our patients at Eastern Oklahoma Chiropractic to resolve back pain, their sleep quality improves—and in turn, improved sleep helps...

What does the research say? Recent health-related news examined the idea that the medical community does not currently offer migraine headache sufferers the attention and care they deserve. Critics believe that migraine care receives little attention because the disease simply defeats the current medical community. The...

Eastern Oklahoma Chiropractic