Broken Arrow chiropractor Tag

Every single new patient of mine asks me ” how often should I see a chiropractor? ”  My answer is always, “it depends on your goals”.   Did you wake up this morning, bend over to feed the dog only to have your back go out on you...

I wish I didn’t have so much experience with kids and back pain.  My friends and family are always surprised to hear how many kids I adjust regularly in my clinic.  When I first started in chiropractic 6 years ago, it was rare that I...

Constant use of devices is causing “text neck” pain.  Have you noticed lately how much you look down and the neck pain that results?  Most of us spend 8-10 hours looking at a computer during the day.  On top of that when we aren’t looking...

Are portions of your hand going numb?  Do you feel hand numbness in certain fingers?  Do your fingers tingle or do you get sharp shooting pains in to your hands? Many people come to my office telling me "my hand is numb, do I have Carpal...

Have you ever wondered why you have pain when the weather changes?  Maybe you have been feeling good lately but with today’s cold snap, you are stiff and sore all over.  This isn’t going to be a groundbreaking discovery but it's easy to miss.  If you’ve...

Most people think that arthritic conditions only affect the elderly, but the sad reality is that we see a large number of children in our office with the beginning stages of osteoarthritis a.k.a spinal degeneration.  Some kids are already on this devastating path at a...