Back Pain

It’s pretty likely you’ll experience back pain during your life—about 80 percent of people will. Maybe you’re suffering from an aching back right now. Fortunately, most cases of back pain respond to conservative treatments. Noninvasive care at Eastern Oklahoma Chiropractic complements and reinforces other natural back...

Now that pandemic restrictions are easing, many of us are enjoying our new freedom to travel, catching up with people and places we’ve been longing to see.  With travel, though, often comes extra strain on backs and necks. We advise our patients at Eastern Oklahoma Chiropractic...

This is the time of year where I get the most calls of people having back pain from yard work. If you have been a relative couch potato all winter and then got outside this weekend and dug a bunch of holes, tilled the garden...

What causes my back to hurt while playing golf? Typically it is a result of spinal damage, poor technique or both. If your spine does not move properly on a segmental basis, meaning each vertebra needs to rotate, flex, extend and side bend on top...

I wish I didn’t have so much experience with kids and back pain.  My friends and family are always surprised to hear how many kids I adjust regularly in my clinic.  When I first started in chiropractic 6 years ago, it was rare that I...

As a chiropractor, I get asked to diagnose people in public all the time.  I may be at church, the market, the gym, CrossFit, the park, or the pool but honestly, it never gets old.  I love interacting with people and I am happy to...