chiropractic Tag

With the decreasing ability of children to concentrate throughout the day, parents are searching for solutions. Many parents want to go the natural route and do what they can without the use of drugs to help their children. Children’s diets are critical to giving them...

Headaches are one of the most common reasons for visiting the doctor. More than 250 million work days are lost each year due to headache at a cost of 25 billion dollars per year. There are many types and causes of headaches. Muscle tension headaches...

Every single new patient of mine asks me ” how often should I see a chiropractor? ”  My answer is always, “it depends on your goals”.   Did you wake up this morning, bend over to feed the dog only to have your back go out on you...

I wish I didn’t have so much experience with kids and back pain.  My friends and family are always surprised to hear how many kids I adjust regularly in my clinic.  When I first started in chiropractic 6 years ago, it was rare that I...

Are portions of your hand going numb?  Do you feel hand numbness in certain fingers?  Do your fingers tingle or do you get sharp shooting pains in to your hands? Many people come to my office telling me "my hand is numb, do I have Carpal...

As a chiropractor, I get asked to diagnose people in public all the time.  I may be at church, the market, the gym, CrossFit, the park, or the pool but honestly, it never gets old.  I love interacting with people and I am happy to...