chiropractic adjustments Tag

What does the research say? Recent health-related news examined the idea that the medical community does not currently offer migraine headache sufferers the attention and care they deserve. Critics believe that migraine care receives little attention because the disease simply defeats the current medical community. The...

Corrective Chiropractic Care Corrective Chiropractic care improves movement in the spine, alignment of vertebra, and function of the central nervous system. The process helps the spine becomes stronger and more able to cope with stress. Brand new research reveals the consequences of abnormal spinal alignment on...

If you're familiar with chiropractic, you've likely heard the term, "subluxation."  Dr. Travis Ring of Eastern Oklahoma Chiropractic is trained to detect and correct subluxations in the spine, leading to improved spinal function and overall wellness. For those unfamiliar with the term or those who...

Our bodies were made for an environment where calories are scarce and exercise is unavoidable. However, we live in an environment where exercise is scarce and calories are unavoidable. Our bodies were meant to move for the majority of the day: gathering food, hunting for...