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Ear Infections Otitis media (middle ear infections) represents the most frequent reason for physician visits for children under the age of fifteen in the U.S. Otitis media also serves as the most common infection in children for which doctors prescribe antibiotics. Approximately 10% of infants will...

Corrective Chiropractic Care Corrective Chiropractic care improves movement in the spine, alignment of vertebra, and function of the central nervous system. The process helps the spine becomes stronger and more able to cope with stress. Brand new research reveals the consequences of abnormal spinal alignment on...

This is the time of year where I get the most calls of people having back pain from yard work. If you have been a relative couch potato all winter and then got outside this weekend and dug a bunch of holes, tilled the garden...

With the decreasing ability of children to concentrate throughout the day, parents are searching for solutions. Many parents want to go the natural route and do what they can without the use of drugs to help their children. Children’s diets are critical to giving them...